Simple technical terms used in the colloquial language of paints and varnishes
Suck it up, swallow it, absorb it. I can rule out the opposite.
Chemical, belonging to inanimate nature
Crystallization of salts, e.g. sodium sulfate, calcium nitrate (masonry nitrate), on damp masonry and plaster surfaces when the moisture evaporates. The paints are removed from the substrate.
Tack-free (hardness) of the film at all temperatures.
Penetration of a paint from the lower layers of paint or varnish into the upper layer.
Increase in viscosity (consistency).
Stretchability of a coating (without cracking).
Is the non-volatile fraction of a liquid coating material (expressed as a percentage) that remains as a residue after drying.
Is the temperature at which sufficient solvent vapours are produced to sustain a flame (i.e. below the flash point a flame extinguishes by itself). The flash point thus indicates the degree of fire hazard of liquids.
The gloss is given in percent (mirror = 100 %). A distinction is made between gloss at 85°, at 60° and at 20°. The gloss at 20° is also called «Sheen». The value at 60° is decisive for the indication of the degree of gloss: high gloss 90–100 %, silk gloss 60–70 % and silk matt 30–40 %.
Colloquial term for viscosity ( = flow properties of a liquid; e.g. thick, thin).
Destruction of metals by oxidation (environmental influences, e.g. rust formation in iron).
Indicates the period of time during which an applied paint can still run.
Synthetic dyes based on carbon, nitrogen and oxygen compounds.
Drying agents (metal salts) which are added in small quantities to oxidatively drying paints to accelerate their drying.
Paint film reacts to heat (softer at higher temperatures).
This refers to the property of solidifying when standing and liquefying again during processing.
Indicates the time during which a mixed 2-component lacquer can still be processed.
Rust formation under the coating film
Indicates the fluidity of a liquid (high viscosity = viscous, low viscosity = thin). The viscosity is usually given in mPas, poise or DIN seconds.